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Old 01-03-2014, 09:08 PM
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walking buffalo walking buffalo is offline
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Originally Posted by NBFK View Post

Yes I am an executive member.

Yes I support this proposal 100% why would I want to bludgeon an animal to death with a pointy stick.

Thanks for joining the conversation and I appreciate your input. In good nature I have to say this comment is just too funny.

Originally Posted by NBFK View Post
I believe this whole prosal is to prevent an uproar from the anti-hunting community. A few videos and pictures of animals getting speared to death and all of a sudden all legal forms of hunting are under scrutiny, especially bowhunting. If you don't like it then join the ABA or your local fish and game association. Come up with proposals and input. It's way too easy for everyone to be sideline quarterbacks while a few actually go to bat to make sure hunters have plenty of opportunity and healthy game populations. For the record most ABA members and executive members are hunters. So please don't paint us with the brush of being elite over others. We are a special interest group so bowhunting is the goal of the ABA. Most people don't realize how much money and time the ABA puts back into the hunting community.

Yes and no.

First the Yes. The resolution is intended to pro-actively appease the anti-hunting community by removing legal weapons for use to hunt big game.


The concern among the hunting fraternity is the negative publicity and damage to the image of hunters/hunting that could arise from the general public (and even other hunters) if the use of these weapons in hunting situations make it to the print, television, internet, social medias.


Make the use of spears and atlatls illegal for hunting big game in Alberta.""

Can you explain how the ABA determined that the "hunting fraternity" is concerned that the use of spears/atlatls could damage the our image?

And the no.

"A few videos and pictures of animals getting speared to death and all of a sudden all legal forms of hunting are under scrutiny, especially bowhunting"

Garbage.... This resolution evolved from an Alberta BOWhunting video!

The 2012 David Booth Archery Black bear video, a legal hunt including an ethical kill, was used by anti-hunting groups to promote their cause. Anti-hunters were able to get traction in the media resulting in many letters being sent to SRD along with request for responses from ABA and AFGA.

According to Brent Watson, in order to avoid having to possibly comment on a future incident that may include the humane harvest of a big game animal with a spear/atlatls, he has decided to attempt to have these weapons banned.

I am obviously not alone in having extreme difficulty with this resolution. If Brent and the ABA do not want to defend the use of spears/atlatls, then fine, don't. These legal weapons, the fore-fathers of the bow and arrow, will be just fine without the ABA.
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