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Old 01-03-2014, 11:17 AM
Pudelpointer Pudelpointer is offline
Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: Back in Lethbridge
Posts: 4,647

Hmmm, so let me see if I understand this dude's argument:

"I can't/won't/don't use a spear/atlatl";

"If some anti individual/group/organization argues that killing animals with bladed projectiles is not humane, they may realize broadheads are also bladed projectiles, and I will have difficulty arguing my morally superior view of the world";

What on earth is wrong with this guy? Doesn't he realize that the exact same argument can be made for banning selfbows/longbows/recurves and even compounds? If anything I would expect the president of the ABA to take a position vehemenently against this proposal if for no other reason than what a slippery slope we will find ourselves on!

Seriously, how many 1st world spear hunters are there?!!! Divide that number by 25 and you are probably over estimating the number of atlatl hunters.

Besides the stupidity of banning something no one / very few individuals are doing or will ever do, I have another concern: how do you legislate this? Do you simply ban bladed weapons for the taking of big game? Watch out bowhunters...

Do you ban all weapons except for "approved weapons"? Be careful what you wish for.

If you try and ban all bladed weapons other than an "approved arrow", what about knives? Do you ban hunting with knives? Afterall, a spear is simply a knife on the end of a stick. If you ban "hunting" with knives, what is the legality of cutting the throat of a wounded deer? I assume it would be the same as "dispatching" an arrow wounded deer with a rifle... illegal.

This proposal is full of potential pitfalls.

Why don't we start with banning rocks and sticks/clubs and see how it goes....

Last edited by Pudelpointer; 01-03-2014 at 11:24 AM.
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