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Old 11-08-2013, 01:55 PM
Alberta Bigbore's Avatar
Alberta Bigbore Alberta Bigbore is offline
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Originally Posted by bergman View Post
I think there is a problem with semantics here - do you consider a road hunter A.) someone who shoots from his truck or B.) someone who drives, gets out and blasts away? Because one is illegal and one is opportunistic. (Hint: Shooting from your vehicle = Illegal.)

I too have been scoped by a truck that rolled up to a cutline I was sitting in. They didn't even get out of the truck. I tell you, with the accidental shootings out of Ontario, it scares the $h!+ out of me.

I think the main issues people have with "road hunters" should really be called issues with "bad hunters". A road hunter is not necessarily a bad hunter, and vice versa.

So instead of painting road hunters with a wide brush, I prefer to berate and call out hunters who:

1. Recklessly scope other hunters with their rifles, whether from a truck or their own feet.

2. Willfully shoot on or into land they do not have permission for, whether on foot or in a vehicle.

3. Keep a loaded firearm in their vehicle while driving, or shoot from their vehicle.

4... I am sure there are many more...

So let's stop hating on people who can't drag their game a mile over coulees and prefer to have a truck nearby, and start hating on people who are JUST PLAIN UNSAFE.
Great opinion here. Good post. As for the top portion.. (B)

There are alot of dangerous yahoos out there. But people who are driving the roads looking for game.... safely.. let them be and let them have at it.

Another reason ive found that people road hunt... is because it is rarely safe anymore to abandon your vehicle and walk in/quad in to a place to hunt. No body has respect for others belongings anymore it seems. It must sure suck to come back to a broke into vehicle or worse.
Alberta Bigbore
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