Thread: Status Natives
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Old 10-22-2013, 06:59 PM
elkhunter11 elkhunter11 is offline
Join Date: Dec 2008
Location: Camrose
Posts: 45,436

The term 'trophy' has nothing to do with it when a person is out hunting with a sustenance hunting licence or right. A sustenance hunter is hunting to supply meat. The biggest animals have the most meat.

If i am hunting for meat I am not going to shoot a 100 lb. yearling doe if there is a 300 lb. buck too.
If you are only out to gather meat for sustenance, it makes no sense to drive hundreds of kilometers, and spend days to shoot a trophy ram, or a trophy elk, or a trophy deer, when you can kill an animal that has just as much, or more meat, but whose antlers or horns don't score as high, closer to home, in much less time.

I think most hunters are doing just this, and if they are lucky enough to get an animal with a respectable head piece, bonus.
In some cases, certain "sustenance" hunters pass up animals that offer just as much meat, in order to target animals that have higher scoring horns or antlers.
Only accurate guns are interesting.