Thread: Status Natives
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Old 10-22-2013, 06:31 PM
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Red Bullets Red Bullets is offline
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Originally Posted by Kurt505 View Post

As for those who think that the hunting camps are a myth, YOUR WRONG. I have seen it first hand, west of Flatbush in the Athabasca river valley before the days of cell phones with cameras. I'm not sure if the nay sayers are naive of in denial but either way I don't care because I know for FACT they are wrong.

I use the term 'white' to define all non status non treaty people. Not racist. I am white.

You do realize that different bands of indigenous people have traditional hunting grounds and that before good roads were also traditional wintering grounds. This was tradition long before the treaties. I am sure there are native community hunters that hunt also to supply their community elders and handicapped people with meat.

You are worried about a large camp of sustenance hunters?... how about the tens of thousands of 'white' non-sustenance hunters turned loose with guns and equipment every Sept to Dec.