Thread: Status Natives
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Old 10-22-2013, 06:13 PM
Kurt505 Kurt505 is offline
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Originally Posted by Red Bullets View Post
There is (unless laws have changed) a sustenance hunting licence available for ALL Albertans and Canadians living so far away from society or north of a certain parallel, and that those people can prove their hardship.

Not too many double income families need to be hunting for sustenance so that would sure eliminate alot of un-needed hunting. Heck, alot of non treaty hunters donate their meat to the food banks and distribute the meat amongst non hunting families and friends, proving they don't need the sustenance or to hunt.
Exactly, ANYONE who wants to hunt but does not need to, should have to buy a license and follow the laws outlined in the Alberta hunting regulations. ANYONE who needs to hunt for sustenance should be allowed to under condition they register the harvest and destroy all score alb trophy attributes. Where is the flaw or foul in this?