Thread: Status Natives
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Old 10-19-2013, 02:27 PM
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KegRiver KegRiver is offline
Gone Hunting
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Originally Posted by froggy View Post
One thing I would like to add. I am sure it has come up allready but I ould like to say it again. Why should a certian group of people get more hunting or fishing rites then any other canadian??? I was born and raised in canada and so was the last three generation in my family and I have to wait and put in draws to hopefully get to shoot a moose or some other animal to fill my freezer for my family. There is other individuals who do not need any special requirements and can shoot as many animals and when ever they feel it is necessary. How is this fair!!!!!!!!!!!!
It is not fair at all.

They gave us a whole country to do as we please with and in exchange they get to hunt it when they like. Not fair at all is it?

The only thing protecting us from the courts giving it back to them is they signed the contract.
Democracy substitutes election by the incompetent many for appointment by the corrupt few.

George Bernard Shaw