Thread: Status Natives
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Old 10-17-2013, 07:49 PM
BeeGuy BeeGuy is offline
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Originally Posted by Norman View Post
We had 4000 acres of land not long ago scattered throughout Sask, some of it very close to an indian reserve, we received many phone calls from natives to hunt on our land which was always granted, in turn they looked after our land for us when we weren't farming it , which was a lot because we lived 120 km away. We had many issues with poaching and 99% was from my fair skinned brethren. Thanks to the friendly native folks from that reserve three men were caught and charged through the years, all reported by the natives. When we decided to sell off the land the reserve got first dibs on the land and we ended up selling it to them for a reduced cost because of their kindness throughout the 20 years we farmed that land. I personally believe the natives of Canada have more than earned their hunting privileges. Do some take advantage, sure they do, do some poach, yes. But that's the human in them not the race.