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Old 10-11-2013, 05:31 PM
scrapper scrapper is offline
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Posts: 508

Originally Posted by sheepguide View Post
Not blaming wolves for the big sheep, but for sure sheep in general!!!!! And at that wolves are being blamed for the decline in most of our biggame species in many areas!!

And yep many see trappers as not pulling their weight on this front. Maybe if you trappers are then shed some facts on what is being harvested for wolves and from what areas. Im sure extra knowledge would be a huge asset.

And the poll should show you trappers the public's opinion on the job they are doing in the way of wolves!!
Hunters in general are anxious to play the blame game, some guy gets lazy, doesn't put in the effort and can't fill his tag. First thing out of his mouth is blame the wolves for low populations. Frankly I am sick of that BS. The wolves are a sign of a healthy Eco system.
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