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Old 10-10-2013, 12:05 PM
northbuck northbuck is offline
Join Date: Feb 2009
Posts: 160

"Like I said I do what I can with the time I can"- Sheepguide

Exactly and everyone else...including us trappers. You have to remember...that for most trappers nowdays...trapping supplements a tiny bit (if any at all when you weigh against expenses) to another regular job and income. I respect greatly how strongly you feel about your sheep hunting...I sometimes have concerns about how predators, general wildlife management, subsistence hunting, etc.,etc, all affect the deer and moose hunting in my part of the world. That said, I go out and do what I can also...shoot and trap as many wolves and yotes as possible, participate in public meetings discussing game management, etc.,etc..
What I did not appreciate was your combative approach to the issue...blaming trappers who are "screwing the pooch", venting your misinformed propaganda in two different threads, and even starting a new thread with a poll discussing trappers, effectiveness. If you are not a trapper, you can not possibly know the whole just seems you are stirring the pot without a to speak.
You mentioned you work in the oil industry...very important job provider for many of my friends and family here in Alberta. Yet, I do not always like or agree what the oil industry does to our wild areas and traplines. You do not see me get on my soapbox, start venting my uneducated opinions regarding the oil industry...nor do I start public opinion polls on the oil sector with no intelligent reason behind it other than to stir the pot.
I am not picking a fight or looking to start an argument...just asking you to be more respectful towards other outdoorsmen (and Outdoorswomen) groups in your comments. You are not the only person that cares about our resources...and there are many that are trying (in their own way and with the time and money they can afford) to make a difference. ALWAYS KEEP THAT IN MIND the next time before you spout off about a topic you do not have all the info on...just saying