Thread: Help Yourself!
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Old 10-09-2013, 11:13 PM
Big Daddy Badger Big Daddy Badger is offline
Join Date: Dec 2009
Posts: 12,558

Sorry but I never found the answer to your question among those offered.

I already have the right to protect myself...we all do and we have always had the right.
I'm alright with that right as it now stands and I have exercised it quite often in the past and no one has ever tried to prosecute me for doing so.

I do not need further permission to protect my home or my familiy or anyone else and anyone that feels the need to say "mother may I or that walks around concerned that they might get into trouble... is not likely to have the presance of mind or confidence to act independantly anyway.

I'm not trying to start anything but the fact is that anyone who does not understand these things already or that worries about something as trivial as the normal questions that do occur when chit hits the fan... will also probably find themselves mentally incapable of actually following through with what it is they are demanding....regardless of how convinced of their own ability they might be now.

That is a well established fact and in my experience...the louder people proclaim otherwise...the more likely it is that they'll freeze or completely shut down.
They also tend to be the ones that have the hardest time dealing with violence in the aftermath and disproportionatley fall victim to things like PTSD.

In the end I guess it can be summed up like this.

Defend yourself... the only person that you ever needed pernission from... was you.
So...why is it that you have not done so?

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