Thread: Joke time
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Old 10-04-2013, 12:07 AM
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Red Bullets Red Bullets is offline
Join Date: Oct 2010
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I met a french guy from Montreal visiting alberta, and he was tellling me like this....

Well, da firs day I was dere, my car, it breaks down. A farmer came and told me " You can stay at my place till da car it gets fixed."

so, da firs day I was dere with da farmer, we goes out to casterate the pigs. And da farmer, he cuts off da nuts and he takes the nuts in da house, an his wife makes them for supper. He said "we call 'em pig fries".
Then next day we go out and casterate the cattles, and again , the farmer, he cuts da balls off, takes dem to da house and his wife cooks dem up for supper. He says, "We call 'em cattle fries."

The next day I was coming down to breakfast and I hear da farmer asking his wife, " What we having for dinner Mabel?"

She says," Fish and french fries!" so I get da heck out of dere.
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