Thread: Joke time
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Old 10-03-2013, 10:01 PM
Kurt505 Kurt505 is offline
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Default Little Johnny wants a new bike

Little Johnny walks up to his dad one evening and say's " Dad, can you buy me a new bike?" Johnny's dad replies "No, I'm real sorry Johnny, your mothers not working right now, and the mortgage is $2400 a month, it's hard enough just to keep a roof over your head and food on the table.".

Next morning Johnny's dad is sitting at the kitchen table having a coffe and reading the morning paper, when down from the hallway comes Johnny, bags packed and heading for the door.

Johnny's dad says "what's with the bags, where are you off to?", Johnny stops, looks over at his dad and says "Look dad, I heard you and ma talking last night, I heard you say you were ready to go and then ma said just wait, she's gonna come too. Like hell if I'm staying here alone with a $2400 a month mortgage and no damn bike!".
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