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Old 12-28-2006, 01:32 PM
sheep hunter
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Crossbows

Don't label me, for you know not of what you speak. I use a bow to hunt with 99.9% of the time and have been doing so for twenty-five years. You shouldn't tell me what I know or what I do not know.
I didn't mean any disrespect pappy but you obviously haven't read the Wildlife Act in regards to crossbows and disability permits if you made the statement you you don't know of what you speak. Certainly local F&W have given out permits to folks that didn't qualify under the Wildlife Act and I have no doubt you got one but these permits are not handed out with any uniformity and if you read the Wildlife Act, very few disabled Albertans qualify and many very disabled people are unable to get one. But since you figure no one should qualify, I guess it's a moot point. I guess you are against any disabled people trying to participate in activities normally reserved for the healthy or is it just activities that affect you personally? Should blind people be in the workplace? Should people in wheelchairs have access to public buildings? Should mentally handicapped people have special training to help them fit in to normal society?

Your right though, the crossbow ruling for disabled persons is a joke. There should be no exception for using a crossbow whatsoever.
I must say that that statement epitomizes the protectionist attitude of many bowhunters but it sickens me. You are too old to bow hunt any more so then just don't hunt is what you are saying....Nice! You are too crippled to bow hunt so don't....really nice!

Gutting their own organization lol........pure speculation/fantasy.
As is the influx of 15,000 new bowhunters into the system if crossbows are permitted in archery season.

The funny thing about all this is that I'm not even 100% certain of my view on crossbows in archery season and yes I hunt extensively with a vertical bow. But, the one thing I do know is that this protectionist attitude is sickening and you just raised the bar on that one with your statements about disabled people.
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