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Old 08-01-2013, 01:39 AM
Big Daddy Badger Big Daddy Badger is offline
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Originally Posted by Iron Brew View Post
Under symptoms

It is not common. I have a fair amount of experience with diabetics. Mostly they get goofy/"drunk", can't talk sense to them, etc. but the aggression worries me IF they are around people who haven't got a clue. I had noticed it but hadn't paid attention till I took someone to an emergency room, and the EXPERIENCED nurse asked some questions, then dragged along two security guys, under strict instructions to do ONLY what she told them, when she told them, regardless of what happened. We were able to get the patient into the emerg without further incident.

I've read that hyperglycemia can cause similar, but I've never seen it.

My point is though, there may be genuine medical reasons for behaviour that isn't acceptable. Strategies must be in place to prevent any shootings/actions that aren't necessary.
In a perfect world but it isn't practicable.
That would be a lot to expect of police.
Further..regardless the cause for violent and irratic behavior... if you are endangering others...the why... while intersting is of little importance.

If the threat is immediate there is no time to consult and poke about... an immediate response is generalized, justified and executed to ensure success.

In this case it appears that police acted rashly and were too quick on the trigger because it would seem that the man was not posing an immediate threat...not because of some extrneous issue that nobody could have reasonably know about..or... for that matter done anything about if they had known.
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