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Old 06-25-2013, 10:24 AM
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Lefty-Canuck Lefty-Canuck is offline
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Originally Posted by sheepguide View Post
Yep everyone needs to start somewhere. And nope i am far from knowing everything, but anytime ive put in for a new tag or new area I do my homework to be assured I know what im getting into. I put in for animals and areas that I want to hunt and want to put in effort to be succesful. Not just apply and hope a bunch of guys on a forum can bail me out because I couldnt be bothered to care enough about the tag to put any effort into it!!!

I agree people should research and help themselves first before asking for other comments were general "know it all" not directed at you specifically

And of coarse we need to control the guys that apply through false pretenses but as with higher costs reducing numbers you are purely speculating on how big of a number you will reduce things by.

Should all groups be reduced when residents are? Of coarse they should. I wont get into the outfitter debate here as thats been beat to death. As for hunter host draw tags they are given a percentage and that is controlled as we are. Our numbers go down there totals go down. I can hunt other provinces so unless we stop Albertans from hunting else where these opportunities for NR should be there. A set percentage system works and maybe the percentage needs to be tweaked a bit but its something I think is fair.

I agree there is some fine tuning needed. Before WB posted about how HH system was calculated I didn't know there was a cap....there is no cap on putting into the draws just a cap on how they are handed out

I know the costs to hunt sheep even on the barest of scales and raising a tag or draw entry by $50 - $100 isnt going to stop dedicated guys or guys that really want from hunting them. Fuel prices dont, gear prices dont and these have increased substantially so why would some extra dollars in a tag. But for those guys that are on the fence whether they actually even want to hunt one an extra $50 - $100may just sway them to realise they dont really want to.

If there are increases I awould agree to keep them within reach, but have them at a level where the willy nilly folks have to at least think about it.
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