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Old 06-24-2013, 04:40 PM
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Roughneck Country Roughneck Country is offline
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Originally Posted by super7mag View Post
I don't seeing 25-35$ deterring too many from putting in the draw . How high would you have to put it to actually deter applicants? 100? 1000? This is where the elitest arguement comes from. If the extra money goes into general coffers the government will pi$$ it away without doing anything for game management or conservation. There are things that can be approved on with the current system , the biggest being sure the Win card situation gets rectafied. Which brings up another question how does IBM get paid. If it gets a cut per applicant I can see a big problem there.
$25 or $30 / draw wouldn't deter people putting in a handful of draws but most people will not pay $25 to put in for 13 tags as the total cost to apply would be a few hundred $$'s, I personally would cut back on the number of draws I put in for.

The question of what to do wih the extra $$ is another debate, I would personally want it to go to habitat restoration for sheep or some other conservation effort, but more than likly like you say it would be lost with the government
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