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Old 06-18-2013, 01:31 PM
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BobLoblaw BobLoblaw is offline
Join Date: Jan 2008
Location: Calgary
Posts: 2,019
Smile Best. Fathers' Day. Ever. Period.

Fishing license for my kid: $35
Bait: $20
New rod, reel & line: $150
Gas: $50
Spending Fathers' Day fishing with my daughter: Absolutely priceless!!!

My 16 year old daughter has been saying she wants to catch a sturgeon for a while. On Sunday, we got Becca's butt outta bed at 3:30am & made the drive south to chase dinos. Met up with Dago, Wayne Christie & Wayne's better half at the river.
Becca was there for sturgeon only; wouldn't even get off her chair for a sucker!

Wayne found some new spectacles...

When Wayne's Spidey sense started tingling, he knew he had a sturgeon bite; being the awesome fella that he is, he immediately handed his rod to Becca so she could catch her first sturgeon...

Dago tailed her 36" sturgeon & helped her show it off for a pic...

This guy had unusual barbells...

There wasn't much happening for a while- some suckers, Wayne got a couple 'eyes- so, we hopped in Wayne's boat and went for a ride to another spot. I hooked a big, heavy fish & handed the rod to Becca. She got to feel a big sturgeon on the line for a few minutes before it got off...

We headed back to Wayne's campsite shortly after. While we were gone, Karen had landed a 41" sturgeon & Dago had packed 'er in for the day; great seeing you, as always, Dago!
After a while, Wayne got another bite.
It went like this, "Big fish!!! Here, Becca!"
Once again, Wayne handed his rod off to my daughter. For all he knew, this could have been a new personal best, yet he didn't hesitate to let a kid he'd just met take the rod; thanks, my friend.
It was, indeed, a big fish...
Pretty sure she was wondering what the heck she'd gotten herself into during the epic battle!

Do you think Wayne's enjoying this?

Getting there...

Well worth the sore muscles & bruised hip for this 4 1/2 foot dinosaur!!!

Beauty & the beast...

That was so freakin' awesome! But, she wasn't done quite yet...
Peace out!
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