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Old 06-13-2013, 09:31 PM
Stinky Coyote Stinky Coyote is offline
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Originally Posted by pottymouth View Post
blah blah blah....Lets put our money where our mouths are!

But, I will agree that the hunter does have more to do with the hunt than the tool! So, i'm willing to put the xgun in the hands of someone with not as much experience as me, to give you a chance( I know unfair of me to put you up against an old pro, like myself )

Fudge your stats, and everything on the board... let's put a live test up!

If I lose I won't ever call them xguns again too! for added incentive.....

Make the bet !!!
Potty, it may bug some u call it a cross gun, I like your steadfast stance on using the term, I'm ok with it as makes me chuckle, maybe another would like to see u stop using the term and take u up. If u wanna put a rookie against me with a compound you'd have better chance of winning bet if he had a centerfire rifle, my caveat would be he finds his own schit to kill and I find guides. You crack me up. At least u admitting it's far more hunter than's a start!
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