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Old 06-13-2013, 09:18 PM
Stinky Coyote Stinky Coyote is offline
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Originally Posted by Stinkhammer View Post
So does this mean you don't want accept pottys chalange and loose $100?
I'll just give potty a crisp brownie and save everyone lots of time, most importantly mine, whether he'd win the bet or not depending on a zillion factors as hunting goes is moot, the tools r close enough that if the hunters r close enough it could go either way any day. However, don't kid yourself if potty really thought it was that big of advantage he'd have that dr's note and run a crossbow. It's all finally in bed and so I am...not diggin the iPad with so many fun retorts to type! Agree that dr's note would not be tough to come by potty, know two myself I'm sure would be happy to need, no want. I figured out how to tag out with a compound in season one but I'm not special, they aren't very hard to shoot, the key was I was born to hunt and had always done it so didn't take long to get brown down. No desire to change, quite love drawing in presence of game, sone think it's hard, maybe it is? I love to shoot the compounds and hunt with em. Still not scared of crossbow, poses no threat to me.

Last edited by Stinky Coyote; 06-13-2013 at 09:33 PM.
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