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Old 05-25-2013, 12:24 AM
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clouserminnow clouserminnow is offline
Join Date: Aug 2007
Location: West Central
Posts: 68
Default Red Deer River Angler Survey

If you fish the Red Deer River from the Dickson Dam to Tolman bridge please help out with the Red Deer River Angler Survey. All that is required is a bit of your time after you get off the water to fill a short creel card highlighting your angling experience. This information will help fisheries managers set limits and regulations on this reach of the river. This project was started by local Fish and Game Clubs in Red Deer, Dickson and Drumheller.

Please click on the attached link to get more information on the project and to access forms that can be filled out and emailed to the project address. Or find one of 17 creel boxes at the more popular access points along the river.

Thanks for helping out.
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