Thread: Crossbows???
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Old 05-24-2013, 12:07 PM
MathewsArcher MathewsArcher is offline
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Originally Posted by HunterDave View Post
It seems to me that opinions of people in the hunting community are swaying in the opposite direction of what you think. You have to consider that at the time of the ESRD poll the ABA conducted a huge anti-crossbow campaign and the results were only 44% against and 37% for. People are better informed about them now and are aware that a lot of what they heard about them are nothing but myths. IMO that 7% difference in the poll is gone

The ABA argument against including crossbows is very thin IMO and their entitled attitude turned a lot of people off......not good publicity for the organization. They created their own divide in the hunting community with their protectionism and IMO would have been better off with a more cooperative attitude (ie crossbows for sup does or in bow zones only, etc). Their fear tactic of saying that everything would go to draw kinda backfired with the new draws that came out regardless of crossbows.

Let's face it, when you peel back all of the reasons and excuses for not including crossbows it comes down to one thing......Not wanting to share the archery season with anyone (apparently spearhunters included).
Interestingly, since the poll was brought to the front last night the NO side has increased from 51 to 53%. I think no matter how you look at it the issue is pretty evenly split.
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