Thread: Crossbows???
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Old 05-23-2013, 02:23 PM
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Originally Posted by pottymouth View Post
Just tired of guys shooting xguns from inside their vehicles on private land... I was refering to comment on how you could care less if you ran into a guy xgun hunting. .. I generally would too , but each one I've ran into has been charged... and those are just the ones I've caught...

That's the only part you want to comment on, from that who post?
Iiiii'mmmm Baaaaack!
So you say that you seen three different offenders shooting crossbows from trucks not saying if they hit there intended target.
You say each one was charged which raises a red flag to me.
I have reported guys shooting rifles from trucks and the fish and wildlife officer did not show much interest because he can't do much without catching them red handed. And these days there spread out so thin there is many calls that are low present age of catching the guys in the act they pick and choose what they respond to. Now it's impressive that all three guys were charged and even more impressive that they let you know the outcome because I have never received a call back. So your statement is that crossbows are bad because poachers use them well I hate to break it to you there is much more efficient weapons to poach with. Did you see any one shooting a rifle out of there truck because as is the truth that is much more common to see as there is a huge amount of rifle hunters as compared to cross bow hunters?
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