Thread: Crossbows???
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Old 05-22-2013, 11:01 AM
jryley jryley is offline
Join Date: Oct 2010
Location: Lougheed
Posts: 991

Originally Posted by BuckCuller View Post
You sir are a perfect example of what the ABA stands for Arrogance Before Archery. Maybe we shouldn't separate any seasons and just have any weapon from sept 1 to nov 31. Or just ban archery from rifle season. Or put everything on draw so you can only hunt in the zone you draw for. But I wouldn't vote for that because I don't think limiting opportunity is a good idea.

My question is, where were the fellas on here preaching this same statement while the long looong debate on the archery draws on AO was happening? That is exactly what the ABA seems to be all about. Another member compared them to trout unlimited....the ABA seems to be all about hunting, conservation, marketing their "brand".....until it effects their organization. They are by no means in it for the betterment of the community as a whole, moreso the betterment of the ABA. Sounds like a mickey mouse version of APOS doesnt it?

I bow and rifle hunt. I also am FULLY in support of xbows being utilized by folks that simply can no longer draw a compound. If I could bow hunt with my father again one day it would be well worth "disturbing" the princesses.
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