Thread: Crossbows???
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Old 05-21-2013, 10:16 PM
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BuckCuller BuckCuller is offline
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Originally Posted by KegRiver View Post
LOL, Big families used to be the norm. I went to school with kid whose family consisted of 22 offspring from the same two people.

I think we need more of dad's generations attitude.

Hunting was never a competition for the overwhelming majority of them.
For sure there were a few who saw it that way, but for most it was survival that provided recreation and social interactions that strengthened both the hunter and the community.

The hunting community today seem to be dominated by folks who could care less about their fellow hunters or the community.

It's not just bow hunters, it's all kinds of hunters. Long range hunters against short range hunters. Trophy hunters against meat hunters.
Recreational hunters against paid guides and outfitters. City hunters against rural hunters. Old hunters against young hunters.

This debate is really not about bow hunters or even crossbow hunters.

It's about selfish hunters.

I found out some time ago that trying to keep everything for myself leads to me loosing everything.

I do hope that others are smarter then I was.
You are correct as long as there is greed in the hunting community weapon choices will be nothing but an argument. And opportunity lost. And pride hurt. Nothing makes a new hunter feel worse about him self that some experienced hunter saying he should not have shot that fork horn and should have let it grow a few more years. Or if you we're any kind of a hunter you would have held out for a buck instead of shooting a doe. But it is what it is just plain GREED!
As long as there is lead in the air there is always hope.
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