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Old 05-10-2013, 09:53 AM
Big Daddy Badger Big Daddy Badger is offline
Join Date: Dec 2009
Posts: 12,558

Well it didn't take long to derail this thread... only 7 posts and then the fight was on at number 8.

So much for...."Let's just keep the opinions out of it and lt the numbers speak for themselves"

This lack of discipline and inability to abide others requests, focus and get along without flying off on some paranoid hypothetical fantasy tangent is EXACTLY why we will never be able to carry sidearms in Canada again.

Fact is too many people including many that are licensed...are not mature enough to be trusted to that extent.

The current test is a joke... any average 10 or 12 year old could pass it.
But would we see them carrying?

Well... along with those kids are a lot of adults who are developementally en pare.

You want to carry folks... fine... figure out a way to eliminate all the paranoid, fantasy prone, reactionary, bad tempered, substance abusing, careless, self righteous, ningcompoops that are licensed but nontheless are buggering it for us all.

There is a world of stupid outside of this forum and once in awhile... some of it slips in.... even here.
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