Thread: Wiau
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Old 12-17-2012, 03:14 AM
conan conan is offline
Join Date: Nov 2007
Location: Edmonton
Posts: 495

Originally Posted by Bhflyfisher View Post
while i agree with part of your post, what i dont agree with, is the 90% of this forum that does No leg work, hasnt contributed a quality fishery more importantly doesnt contribute anything to this forum besides maybe a "nice fish" every now and then. On a public forum, you cannot dictate who will read what. You dont know who's staring into their computer screen reading your information someone has just openly blabbed about.

I have had quite a few conversations with members via PM about quality lakes,rivers,creeks and what not. Which is where these kinds of things should be left. Because you simply do not know who is reading your information!

Chances are most places that we as fisherman have found out about, are probably through buddies or through people who've actually done the leg work. While you might be trusted by those individuals, when you blab openly, thats not very "polite" i guess the word would be, and i guarantee 99 percent of us, wouldnt think twice about how the first guy would feel, although i know a couple of people, and those people are my best fishing buddies. I am personally peeved when ive done research and work to find certain areas, to bring a buddy in, to share the good time with, then they seem to claim it as their own, telling guys at their work, public forum, even bringing other people in without me. There needs to be some give and take amongst fisherman, more so fishing buddies.
Ya I think I was dreaming. sounded good though.
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