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Old 12-06-2012, 09:34 PM
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Originally Posted by reddeerhunter View Post
Man you must have a doctorate in genius-ology. The so called road warriors are crazy. Hi powered rifles and trucks. Wow. One guy shot a hole thru his truck floor trying to unload fr a routine fish n feathers checkstop with a clip in.
So baiting is a crime when there are 30 law breakers to every baiter and 1 warden to every 600 hunters, nice. Like the chicken catcher said on Americas got Talent, when asked how many chickens he catches a night. Hahahahaha. WTF? Over.
This post seems to be in response to mine so I will answer it with this:
Doctorate in genius-ology?
Hardly, but I can tell you this.
"Road warriors" as ytou can them have nothing to do with this baiting thread, neither do idiots that carry loaded rifles in theoir trucks and try to unload them when they run into a check stop because they know it's illegal.

I could care less about your baiting and crime ratios, as they seem to be nthign more than a rant.
BTW, I know lots of farmers as well, and none of them put salt licks in the middle of corn fields.
Chicken catcher??No idea.
You seem to be spoilig for an argumenbt however, so carry on and find someone who will participate, because i won't.
Have nice evening.
Anytime I figure I've got this long range thing figured out, I just strap into the sling and irons and remind myself that I don't!
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