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Old 11-01-2012, 10:32 AM
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Originally Posted by Hagalaz View Post
That is the exact response that I got from a North Dakota cop when I was criticizing the RCMP after they murdered Robert Dziekański in 2007.

He said "Well, there is no point trying to be rational with a cop hater. No matter what you say, he will disagree with you", as if that was the easiest way to explain away my reasons for disliking the RCMP. A couple of people agreed and joined the band wagon with him, but most kept asking him to explain himself. He in turn called those people cop haters as well.
The Dokota Cop may be ticked for this reason:

If you stated that the RCMP officers "Murdered" Robert Dziekanski then you need to prove/believe that the officers went into the situation with the preconceived intention to commit a criminal offence and/or murder. Now if believe their negilent actions resulted in Mr. Dziekanski's death, that is "Manslaughter" not "Murder."
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