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Old 10-14-2012, 11:52 PM
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Originally Posted by muledeerking View Post
Dude shut up already.... You are sounding like a broken record player That has no clue on reality. Go pimp out your muzzleloader or pull out your rifle and go hunt. Rifle season has been open in lots of places for a while now.
Reality is SRD is seriously discussing putting a draw in place for archery season in many WMU's. Surely that could be discussed and some members can hold opinions whether you agree with them or not.

This reminds of the crossbow in archery season threads. I'd say it is better to state opinions with some reasoning behind them instead of some of these comments.

Sooner or later bow hunters are going to have to accept being part of the game management (draw system) system. I am still on their side though until real proven numbers back up the need to bring them into the draw though. SRD, do your job and get the real numbers before acting. I like the idea of having extra opportunity with extra challenge.

Some of the arguments put forth such as pitting hunters against hunters based on weapon of choice is pretty lame though.
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