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Old 10-14-2012, 08:34 PM
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Originally Posted by Full Curl Earl View Post
So were all clear, this draw change has nothing to do with conserving mule deer populations. I just spent 4 days looking for a good buck on the Milk River ridge. The new oil wells everywhere in prime habitat was stunning! We can normally find 4 or 5 170" plus bucks but this time not one! Rifle hunters apparently took 70 bucks last season off the Ridge. TJ's recent article about management being solely placed on hunters was smack on. Mule deer numbers are drowning not because of bow hunters, but because of habitat loss. Getting rid of the 10 bow kills in WMU 108 per year will do very little to help out these deer. After seeing how much more involved the U.S is in wildlife management while hunting there the past 5 years, it's opened my eyes as to how toothless our system is. Big money runs this Province and after 40 years of it's decline its discouraging. Ok, I feel better now. Turnout gear on, flame away!
Finally !!!! some one that doesn't place all the blame on bowhunters .Yes a few are successful ,. Yes , there is alot of oil well activity , especially here lately .. And finally 7 x's more muley bucks were kiled with a rifle than with a bow . And the rifle hunters had only 4 days a week for 4 weeks to do it .. Maybe we should cut back on some of the rifle season . Those darn rifle guys are too successful and efficient .. LOL.. Just wondering what the success rate / rifle hunter is compared to that of the bowhunters in that area , bet they aren't even in the same ballpark .
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