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Old 10-13-2012, 04:10 PM
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flygirrl flygirrl is offline
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Originally Posted by Nait Hadya View Post
you didn't answer the questions so i'll go on a bit of a tangent.

if your driving dear hubby around looking for game you are assisting in his hunt. if you are spotting game for him you are assisting in his hunt. being old and fragile he probably needs help dragging,gutting etc,that would be assisting in his hunt.

all ready established that driving around in the truck with an uncased weapon
looking for game IS hunting.
Oops, I'm driving to the range with my weapon uncased and because im always looking for game be it march or nov I'm hunting?
I in no way shape or forum am ashamed to road hunt, just prefer the walk .Yup, gut, clean, skin, drag deer to truck, and yes he is dear hubby of 32 years, you forget, the hunts over once the animal is down, no I've never shot one for him and would never allow my tag on someone else's animal , yes I have my license with me at all times, geez nait hadya you would almost think you never had anyone ever to help you when you needed help. Than again........
Yup, I know I'm getting old now, just heard my favorite song in the elevator.
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