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Old 10-12-2012, 03:19 PM
Mb-MBR Mb-MBR is offline
Join Date: Jan 2011
Posts: 2,223

As has been said here many times, bullies are cowards and run in packs, do eveything in their power to belittle others to make up for thier shortcomings. I went through it in school. Had to run down the tracks to take a leak at breaks because they would be waiting for me. I fought back and fought hard, many black eyes, bleeding noses, cuts and scrapes. Developed a rep as I got up in grades and age. Rolled up the sleeves when I had to. I'm at peace with my bullies because I had a reckoning with each and every one of them as I got older.........Whats the old saying.......Revenge is a dish better served when cold. Sadly Amanda will never realize this.

Fast forward to my kids years in school, they all had bullies they had to deal with. Told them to fight, don't back down and don't let them get the better of I have grandkids to worry about. My 6 year old grandson is dealing with this right now. Same thing, fight, don't back down. Been suspended twice for sticking up for himself. A shame a 6 year old has to worry about this......confront the parents and and its the same crap............."
my son wouldn't do something like that".

Sorry about the rant...........but I detest anyone who feels they have to belittle others to make themselves feel better.