Thread: Back on the SSR
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Old 10-07-2012, 07:25 PM
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WayneChristie WayneChristie is offline
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Default Back on the SSR

My lady and myself decided to give the newly working boat a good run today, headed down the river . Anyone putting in at Cottonwood take waders, had to back way out to get the boat off, definitely changing my exhaust next year, I get nervous when its way under water
It was pretty cool on the ride down the river, and getting very very shallow, but it was sure fun make sure you have polarized glasses if you go, the channels are getting pretty small in some places. We fished my favourite spot down that way for a couple or three hours, not too much happening besides a couple little walters. Moved to a different location and hit fish as soon as the wind came on and the walleye chop started. More Golden eagles around too, they sure are awesome birds.

nice little sauger, still wondering why I had never caught one til this year, and seem to get them most outings now.

nice 7 pounder. great fight on the steelhead rod.

24 incher

fat 27 incher

and saved the best for last. we decided to head home when the wind started to get stronger, but it was a great day. back at it tomorrow
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