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Old 09-30-2012, 12:33 AM
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220swifty 220swifty is offline
Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: Red Deer
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I too have a pair of small dogs, as well as a lab. The lab has the brains and training to heel properly, the little dogs are all 'go' when they get off leash. This is why they stay leashed when we take them to the dog park, while the lab runs loose.

A couple years, we were doing just this, when I felt my westie hit the side of my leg. This is odd, he's the type of dog that will pull so hard his front legs lose contact with the ground. I turned to him, to see what he was running from, when I spotted a large rottie cross bearing down on him with teeth bared. I did my best Lui Pasaglia impression, and caught the dog square in the chest, hard enough to set his ass on the ground. Shortly after, a first generation Canadian, of the female Asian variety appeared, and proceeded to chew me out for kicking her dog. I pointed out that if it has aggression issues, it needs to be leashed, and that if I hadn't kicked her dog, circumstances would have been much worse for all of us.

My westie must have felt his pride was compromised, because a few weeks later, he got into it with a Great Pyrenees and managed to somehow grab its throat without taking any damage. There was nothing the Pyrenees could do. Fortunately the "white rat" as we call him, only bit for effect. Being that we were already friends with the other owners, we inspected our dogs for damage, then laughed it off.
I'm not saying I'm the man, but it's been said.
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