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Old 08-27-2012, 01:44 PM
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FallAirFever FallAirFever is offline
Join Date: May 2007
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Default A family day at the "range" -- warning, pic heavy!!

Sunday rolled around with me feeling like not doing basement renos or mowing the grass or cleaning the garage... all things that need to be done, but can wait. So we loaded up the kids, a bunch of 22's and a whack of ammo and headed to a friends farm for some shooting.

We got all set up and my youngest (8 year old daughter) who I thought wanted to shoot says she doesn't, I'm a little dissapointed but dont want to force the issue.

I set up the boys and let them start plinking away, soon my daughter wants in on the fun

So we get set up with the Mini-bolt line her up on the gopher target, I explain how the sights work and tell her to sqeeze the trigger when she is ready.

The results of her first shot:

Well needless to say, thats all it took to get her hooked!! After that shot we stopped everything so we could all go and admire her target and give hi-5's!

I settled her in to her "bench" and she went to town going through over a box of ammo with that little single shot.

The firing line was a busy place with my youngest shooting a Browning lever 22 that is his Papa's and my older boy shooting his Remi 597 semi.

Here is the damage from the 2 youngest, daughters on the left younger boy on the right. At around 15 yards.

The older boys target at 25 yards.

And here is a video of the end of our range session. The youngest using my semi and getting the order to "empty your clips on 3"

I only ended up getting to shoot 1 clip from my 22 but it has to be one of the best days I have ever spent at the range!!
Spend some time outside today, it will lift you higher
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