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Old 08-02-2012, 11:36 AM
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Hagalaz Hagalaz is offline
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Originally Posted by scrapper View Post
I just knew sooner or later the idiots would make an appearance to this civil discussion. Now I am being accused of being a NAZI supporter. Actually it's good that this pinhead came on here and made these statements. It's a clear indication of how extreme some of the right wing nut bars are. Do we want people that would make statements so bizaar as this leading our charge against the anti's....honestly this is the exact guy that should not be in possession of a gun. This is the exact guy the anti's want to hold up in the public eye and brand us all with the lunacy of his remarks. This is the exact guy that makes moderates cringe, and distance themselves from more extreme gun supporters. So a big thank you to trakker for coming on here and showing us all just how an exreme right wing lunitic views anyone who in his mind has an opinion that does not support his agenda.

So in reply to my post you say you respect my opinions. But you call Trakker282 an idiot/pinhead/nut job because he has opinions that differ from yours.

So a big thank you to scrapper for coming on here and showing us all his true colors.

Nothing like outing yourself for everyone to see.
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