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Old 08-02-2012, 02:28 AM
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Originally Posted by scrapper View Post
The great thing about democracy is we have the right to express our opinion. I am a hunter and I own several hunting rifles and shotguns, I am a trap shooter I own a trap gun I am a target shooter and own hand guns as well. I don't have a problem with registering my restricted guns and only use them at a range that is the law. I will restate my point I do not believe we need to be selling assault style rifles to just anyone, hunters and sportsman have zero use for a magazine capacity exceeding four rounds. Having said that I am fine with those guns being classified as restricted where mandatory registration is required. Using an assault rifle at a range classified as restricted works for me.

Sorry guys, I may be taking a differnt path with respect to this issue but I am never going to just jump on a bandwagon and support the masses. The gun ownership issue is complicated, in my mind I cannot justify why people need assault styled rifles and high magazine capacities other than taget shooting. Assault rifles are designed to kill people, they are not designed for game, and frankly with all the purpose built rifles designed for hunting why would anyone even want an assault rifle.

Now before the next round of burning me at the stake, this is just my opinion, you don't have to agree with me, but please respect my democratic right to my opinion. I will most certainly respect your opinion and your right to that opinion and I am not going to ridicule you for having your opinion. We are not all ever going to agree 100% on anything.

Your opinion is just that but let me ask you this. Have you seen the R15 or the R25??? I would love to have either of these guns for hunting the R15 for predators (.223 .204) with 5 round cap. Or the R25 in .243 7mm-08 or 308 with a 4 round mag for deer. I can fit 5 in my midland arms 22/250 and 4 in my S&L 7mmMag. Guess why these 2 rifles R15/R25 are restricted because they "look" scary. So other then "looking" scary, Why are they restricted and Why cant I hunt with them?? RiiiIgggGHT, I forgot its because they "look" scary and are based on an AR platform.

The first successful yote hunt I had 4 come out of the reeds at the same time, a semi auto woulda been handy as the reeds were 60 yrds from where I was sitting, why cant I use a gun that can shoot more then 4 rounds for varmin??
How does it make you feel that I turned my SKS (you can get 20 rnd mags for em) into a tactical unit with a 5+1 uptop, And I plan on using it for my deer this year?? its a "scary looking" gun yet it is legal to use for hunting. the ONLY reason the sks is not "classified" as a restricted weapon is the ACTION PLATFORM!!!

The ACTION PLATFORM of the gun does NOT Depict the actions of the person behind the gun!!! I have heard of people being murdered with a cooey single shot .22 why arnt they banned because people have died due to being shot in the head with these. Its really simple, they arnt scary cause they only are single shot and a hunting rifle style.

The idea of a style of rifle causing crime/murders and other public outcries is FRIGGEN STUPID!!! How many states have handguns as a legal means of shooting game??? how many of those states where crimes are commited more with knives then guns???

Scrapper, knives cause more crime then guns do, will you be happy after we have to take our game to a facility to be processed after harvest because "knives" are dangerous?? Where do you draw the line??? Like I said the idea of banning/restricting a rifle due to the platform is stupid. Again my SKS looks pretty close to an ar and can shoot just as fast, I can also get extended cap mags for it and shoot FMJ rounds, fold up the stock, ect. How is this gun different from a R15/25, M16 or any of the other AR platforms????

I think this is more of a rant then a question, but if you could answer the questions I gave you with legitimate answers, that make sense, I will listen.
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