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Old 08-01-2012, 07:59 PM
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Originally Posted by greylynx View Post
Who are you to determine what another person NEEDs?

I figure you do not NEED to drive a car or NEED to hunt.

It is this moral superiorty of yours that is wrecking the shooting community
He's voicing his opinion, which is obviously shared by a few other posters, including myself. You don't have to agree, nor does he have to agree with you. As I'm sure you know, not all issues are black and white. There is much grey in this world. I am a hunter, and thus have no need of an assault rifle. That doesn't mean that I don't support your right to have one or 100 of them, as long as you have shown yourself to meet the criteria that has been set out for their ownership.

This thread was started in the context of an American tragedy and a possible response by members of their gov't. My opinion, and that's all it is, but it is as valid as yours, or anyone else's, is that access to weapons is too easy in the US. I believe we have achieved a reasonable balance in our country.

My opinion is largely based on having worked in the mental health field, knowing how many people who are in dire need of help, and in many cases supervision, walk our streets. People who are violent, delusional, and capable of reprehensible evil. I am glad they can't order up weapons like that sick young man in Colorado, or any other number of mass murderers in the US in recent decades.

One poster mentioned violent video games as a place to start. I personally would agree with that. However, the problems we have in society are multi-faceted and do not lend themselves to simple solutions, but if banning access to drum magazines is one measure in stopping future mass murders, so be it.

Finally, don't be so naive to think that all gun owners are law abiding, mentally stable citizens. Most of the people I have met at various gun ranges seem to be great people, but I am also not afraid to say here or anywhere else, that I have also met some real wing-nuts at the range who espouse what many would consider to be violent, dangerous, "Timothy McVeigh-esque" views of society.

I vigorously disagree with those who have assert that me saying things like this poses a threat to gun ownership. My opinion is just not that important.

Last edited by sns2; 08-01-2012 at 08:08 PM.
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