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Old 08-01-2012, 05:09 PM
elkhunter11 elkhunter11 is online now
Join Date: Dec 2008
Location: Camrose
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Elk, I am going to respectfully disagree with the tone of this remark. It seems you are essentially saying is that I am entitled to my opinion as long as it is the same as what you precieve to be that of all responsible gun owners. Why would I want to be careful on how I express my opinion.
Why? because expressing your opinion in the way that you have, is in effect voicing support for the anti gun lobby in their cause to end all private ownership of firearms. If you help them to get rid one one type of firearm, you are helping them to eliminate the private ownership of all firearms.

As such,you need to decide whether supporting bans or extremely strict controls on all firearms that look like assault rifles, or bans on high capacity magazines would be worth you yourself giving up the priviledge of owning any type of firearm. Is that is a trade off that you are willing to make? if so, then keep on expressing your opinion as you are, but don't complain when the end result is that no Canadian citizens are allowed to own private firearms in the not so distant future.

I don't own any any firearms that look like assault rifles, or any firearms with tactical accessories, but I will support the people that choose to own those types of firearms, as I want them to support me, in being able to own the types of firearms that I choose to own.
Only accurate guns are interesting.
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