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Old 08-01-2012, 10:48 AM
duceman duceman is offline
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Originally Posted by scrapper View Post
Glad you have an opinion and have voiced it....and yes we are going to be BBQ'ed. But that is OK I would rather be BBQ'ed for having my own opinion.
sorry if my previous post came across as ridicule. i'm not much on sugar coating my opinion, and hate typing, so i tend to get to the point, which often leads me to wiping a lot chit off my boots for comments taken out of context.
thanks to 'assault rifles', and weapons of any sort, you are right, we have the democracy and freedom to express our opinions as we see fit.
it's not about jumping on a bandwagon of renegades thinking we should be able to do what ever we want; it's about respecting everyone's privilege to own and do what they want with what ever firearm may tickle their fancy. (within the laws society sets out)
here is a little ditty i find quite humorous and shockingly true at the same time:

'democracy is 2 wolves and a lamb deciding what to have for lunch.
liberty is a well armed lamb contesting the vote'

1. People who list their arguments in bullets points or numerical order generally come off as condescending pecker heads.

2. #1 is true.
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