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Old 06-25-2012, 01:41 PM
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Guitarplayingfish Guitarplayingfish is offline
Join Date: Jan 2009
Location: FISHING!
Posts: 1,892

I have a few things to say about this.

From what I can gather you were both in the wrong
1. Buddy not having his license when out (should always carry it on your body as I have found out the hard way)
2. Starting the generator too late

The COs were not completely right either
1. treating you guys like criminals right from the start (the way you tell it)
2. Asking for your fishing license at 12 midnight when your clearly not fishing (unless you were earlier and said you would show him later, in which case it would be a good reflection on the CO for doing that for you instead of just ticketing you for not carrying)

Just like in any industry in the world there are good and bad people... People who will be nice and welcoming... and people who will be miserable and treat you like criminals right off the bat.

I have ran into some really brutal CO in the past that made me questionable about our Enforcement officers.

This being said, the last year I have run into many really good guys who are COs and doing their job to the best of their ability.. this has brought back my confidence in our system. There are good people out there who want to protect our fisheries as much as us environmentalists.. I think Officer experience has something to do with it too.. The jerks I have met have been freshly out of school CO's who are power hungry. The nice ones are typically (but not always) guys who have been on the job for a few years and understand how things work.

It's like anything... There will be good and bad. Just follow regulation and treat them with the respect they deserve and you shouldn't have a problem..
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