Thread: Bait sites
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Old 06-23-2012, 06:54 PM
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Originally Posted by waylow View Post
Private and lease land.
Tree stand within 10 yards.
And got a pic of the truck yesterday who is visiting the site. He has a nice advertisement on his back window of his outfitting company as well.

Het, I'm all about trophy hunting, but let's do it legally.
What hes doing then is getting deer accustomed to the food being there and taking pictures of the deer to show to clients. Then just before the season starts he will clean up this site. But the deer will continue to visit through out the season with hopes of an easy meal being there. Simular to a bird feeder. After awhile they will come in all the time, when the seed runs out they still come. Its a bad loophole into baiting deer in alberta
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