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Old 04-02-2012, 08:24 AM
Jamie Black R/T's Avatar
Jamie Black R/T Jamie Black R/T is offline
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Originally Posted by linemanpete View Post
But why make us pay license fees and draw/ tag fees? Have the draw system but make it free. Also I think there should be a way of reporting if you used your tags or not. This would give the biologists a better understanding of actual numbers in the lake.
a survey like they do with big game after the season COULD work well but it hinges on people ACTUALLY participating. In a province where some 40% of adults can be bothered to get out and vote this is a pipe dream...mandatory survey would be the only there is no way to count all the released fish that end up dying anyway. Fisheries are a tough thing to manage so if i need to lose my chance at a fish fry "JUST IN CASE" be it.

Im ok with a few extra bucks to maintain the draw system, print regs/tags etc....i just want to know my money is doing some good...increased fish populations and bigger fish are a good enough reward whether i can take them home or not.

id love to see them cap class A tags...not just 50cm and up....I caught a 5lb walleye last summer in a lake i hadn't caught ANY walleye in for about 6 years....hope to see that trend continue...a fish like that isnt an "eater" in my own personal rule book.
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