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Old 03-03-2012, 08:49 AM
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Sundancefisher Sundancefisher is offline
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Originally Posted by pickrel pat View Post
sorry to burst bubbles, but once a fish species gets established in a system its IMPOSSIBLE to erradicate them. absoloutly nothing can be done now. no amount of whining/brainstorming/actions is going to change it....... time to move on and adapt to it. sucks, but this is the sad truth. we may be able to keep them at bay but they will always be here now....

We need a plan for now and the future just like Hawaii for instance.

As for you note... this is likely true but only after they "get established" If the carp today are concentrated in a minor drainage then they are targets for extermination. If the first wave have a hard time adapting to the conditions in the Red Deer River they may disappear on their own without a constant replenishment from the drainage. Therefore can we with speed and determination remove the fish from the drainage...then a swift and extensive strike will save the Red Deer and Bow River. Is it worth it? I think yes.

Giving up is not an option until they are fully established in the Red Deer. IMHO.

Also if the WID is not prepared to stop the spread of Carp in their system...they should not operate in 2012. They should also pony up some money to help.

The Bow River pumps a ton of money into the local economy.
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