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Old 03-01-2012, 06:30 PM
DHPP DHPP is offline
Join Date: Sep 2010
Location: Parkland County
Posts: 42

I had mine done at Gimble close to 10 years ago(LASIK), just over a year ago I noticed that I was squinting to read signs. Got my eyes tested and need glasses again. I went in to Gimble right away and they seemed surprised that my eyes stayed good as long as they did. When I had my consultation there was talk of touch ups in the future. I got all the tests done again and was told that the only method that they could do was PRK with a 6 month recovery (and no further touchups due to corneal thickness). The job I have won't allow for that long at this point and I decided that although glasses and contacts are a pain I can see alright without them and rather than risk it to tweak my vision, I'll hold out in case something better comes along, or my vision gets a lot worse.

That being said I had nine years without glasses, as someone else mentioned the first time you roll over and can see the alarm clock it's well worth it.
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