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Old 02-27-2012, 05:53 PM
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KegRiver KegRiver is offline
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Something the apologists seem to ignore.

There is a principal that the courts hold and which applies here.
The courts hold that ignorance of the law is no excuse. The principal behind this is that any reasonable person SHOULD know, the law in this case.

In the case we are discussing, any reasonable person SHOULD know that a drawing made by a child can not be taken as evidence of anything, unless there is collaborative evidence.
Moreover, from what we are told there was nothing in the drawing that would imply or suggest that this child or any other, had access to this gun or any other.

I hold that all employees of the school, Social Services and the Police for acted unreasonably and irresponsibly.
If we ignore this, we are in effect, supporting such irresponsible behaviour.
By doing nothing or saying nothing, or worse yet, by siding with those who perpetrated this atrocity, we invite further abuses of this nature.
Abuses we may well be the victim of in the future.

I think severe measures need to be taken to ensure that this does not happen again. Not for the sake of retribution. But for the good of society.
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