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Old 02-27-2012, 08:29 AM
geezer55 geezer55 is offline
Join Date: May 2007
Location: Lethbridge
Posts: 757

Got e-mail update this morning;

Meeting Report of the February 23 Range Meeting - 182 Confirmed Members Attended -- Next City Council March 5Th.

People are telling me that the meeting was a great experience and Allan Friesen did an amazing job keeping you focused on developing something where the police, the city and LFGA will win in the end.

His presentation was a great start to something that we will be able to use in the future to let people know what we have done and what we are doing to make Lethbridge a safer place. We are so lucky he chose to be a leader in our community. You people accomplished a lot in one very short meeting and I sure hope it will make a difference.

Allan and I are in the process of revising the presentation, as you requested, and will be putting it up on our website. Your version will be much too long for our very brief 15 minute presentation to summarize in front of Council. We hope that it will be something that you can always use to show people what we are all about down at the Range.

Many thanks ....
A huge hand for all of the 182 members who attended the meeting, WOW ... on a week when many of our members and youth are out of town for Reading Week. I am so sorry I was sick and could not attend.

Allan Friesen - Range Chair and Federal Range Officer Extraordinaire What can we say... Superb

Vice-President - Ken Peterson and his wife for finding a big enough space on very short notice as our numbers grew leading up to the meeting.

Membership Chair - Sheila Ferguson for processing over 850 memberships in a very short time and providing complete lists of our members. We found out that the number of members for 2011 was up to over 1300...

Secretary - Greg Bird and his group for getting the notes on your suggestions, modifications and other input. Our history, 13 layers of safety and the contribution that this organization has made to the city is information that you can use as we continue our work to reopen the range.

Dave Warwick and Warwick Printing for instantly cranking up the press to make those wonderful posters that are going up around town and out on face book.

Nick Burnham for talking up our meeting from a member and user perspective on forums and in the press.

Gavin Brinsmead, David Green and Colter Bates the guys who checked you into the room, confirmed your memberships and provided a list of 182 names.

Keep your eye on our website for more news.

Right now we are preparing for the City Council Meeting on March 5Th so please let us know if you will be able to attend and/or just sign the petition and register even if you just wish you could be there but you have to work to pay the bills on Allan's Call to Action page on our website.
SO once you get to the page ...
1) Confirm you will filling out the form
2) If not, sign the petition by filling out the form

I sure hope I haven't forgot anyone who helped ... Thanks again to all of you!!! We enjoy a truly great community!

Rick Blakeley, President
Proper Planning Prevents P**s-poor Performance!!
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