Thread: Worldviews
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Old 02-11-2012, 10:36 AM
Mistagin Mistagin is offline
Join Date: Jun 2008
Location: Ft. McMurray and Kingston
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reply to # 156 (for some reason I can't get it to quote in my response post).

Some of you guys make it too easy (to refute answers / comments)! Maybe you are doing it to stir the pot?

Jesus never said the earth was flat, He knew better - He created it! I'm pretty sure that when ancient people looked at the horizon of the earth they saw it curve - just like we do, and they knew it was not flat. That's not to say they fully understood it to be 'round'. Ancient cosmology had different ways to try to explain it, took quite a bit of time to get it right - helped by growing scientific knowledge.

In Jesus' day some people died young, some died old. There is plenty of evidence many people lived to be quite old (even by our standards). The apostle John is believed to have died when he was in his 90's. Paul was executed when he was in his late 60's, some suggest he may even have made it into his early 70's. Simeon and Anna in the Bible were both described as old, Anna was in her 80's.

The "entire world was in the Middle East"???? HA, ha, ha, ha, ha. Decades, centuries, millenia, before Jesus there were people known to be way down in Africa, People were in North and South America, Asia, the UK - people had been exploring all over - filling the earth as God had mandated.

No medicine? Really? You think that? Luke, who wrote the Gospel of Luke and Acts was a - get this ------ DOCTOR!

One thing you did get right - times have changed, they are always changing, technology has advanced, and in some ways we have learned a lot - not just in the past 2000 years - we've been learning since the first human walked the face of the earth.
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