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Old 02-10-2012, 02:12 PM
avb3 avb3 is offline
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Originally Posted by wheaty View Post
I have seen alot of questions asked of the Christians in the discussion. Hear are a few for the athesits

How is it possible for everything to come from nothing in the big bang?
Let me quote from that favourite source, Wikipedia:
“*the Big Bang theory*cannot*and*does not*provide any explanation for such an initial condition; rather, it*describes*and*explains*the general evolution of the universe going forward from that point on. The observed abundances of the light elements throughout the cosmos closely match the calculated predictions for the formation of these elements from nuclear processes in the rapidly expanding and cooling first minutes of the universe, as logically and quantitatively detailed according to*Big Bang nucleosynthesis.”
Ask me about biological scientific issues, and I can give you a pretty good answer. Ask me about astrological ones, I can only defer to others more knowledgeable than myself. I would be speculating, as would most on here, no matter what side of the fence one is on.

I will not defer to something that is a philosophical writing from 2000 years ago.

How did living systems come from non intelligent non self replicating materials?*
Science keeps evolving; as example, the chemical soup that exists around black smokers has all sorts of life forms that are above a single cell. Prior supposition was that it was too hot and too sulphric to support live.

Now it seems the particular combination of the chemical soup and heat from the black smokers may in fact have been the catalyst that started life.

Why do so many evolutionary biologist struggle with the origins question?*
Struggle? In what sense? Certainly the preponderance of the evidence supports evolution. Are there gaps? Yup, for now. The science is, pardon the pun, evolving and will continue to.

Certain biblical passages tell us that unicorns exist. No fossil records have ever been found of them. If they existed, would you not want to see that evidence? I mean, we have molluscs, fish, dinosaurs, mammals, birds, dinosaur skin, dinosaur feathers but no unicorns. But no unicorns.

If there is No God or Afterlife can there be any Transendenant meaning to life?
As the normal meaning of transcendental has numerous meanings. Which one are you associating with your question? The answer may vary.

If the material universe is all that exists how can you explain emotions like love.
Emotions are a stimuli that humans have evolved to react to in a neural manner. Learned stimuli of other animals include the fight or flight actions we see so often.

If there is no God are objective morals possible?
Of course. See my post of Penn Jullete's 10 Commandments for Atheists. Those are pretty good rules to follow, whether one is of faith or not.
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